Welcome to module PUP2243 Developing Capability for Integrated Practice.
On successful completion of all the elements within the module, you will be awarded 30 credits at Level 5.
This module builds on the content of the year two theory modules that underpin integrated practice and extends the Nursing and Social Work students developing knowledge skills and behaviours in preparation for professional practice, introducing them to the importance of training and development.
Practice experiences, which include a 70 day social work placement, enable students to explore the challenges of team working with opportunity to apply their learning to practice in Social Work and Nursing environments, including the writing of a range of reports for use in/presentation at a range of professional fora.
Students will also develop an understanding of the needs of pregnant and postnatal women in this module and a range of practice skills that will support their developing competence and confidence in practice.
In preparation for professional registration with the professional bodies Personal Development Planning will be a key component of this module.
Throughout the module we will be your module leaders and our contact details are listed on this handbook cover. If you wish to arrange a tutorial outside the timetabled support, please contact us to arrange an appointment. This will ensure that we are available to see you and will prevent a wasted journey for yourself.
This module handbook should be read in conjunction with your Programme Handbook available on the Edge Hill website, which details important information regarding confidentiality, academic rules, regulations and support.
On behalf of all the staff within the Faculty of Health and Social Care, we would like to offer you a warm welcome, we hope that you enjoy this module and wish you every success.
Veronica Vernon Susan Williams Module Leader
This module uses a blended approach to teaching and learning and the specific online learning content is highlighted in the Bb module area, as well as on your timetable. This module includes the requirement to complete an online Maternity Pack as well as specific clinical skills to support your learning and equip you for clinical practice.
The whole module is supported by BlackBoard 9.1 (Learning Edge), which is an online area containing links to relevant module materials available on the internet as well as links to electronic journals and books to provide flexible 24/7 access.
On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
- Demonstrate the ability to work within the limitations of own knowledge, skills and professional frameworks.
- Establish and sustain professional relationships with service users and carers based on respect and honesty.
- Evaluate how learning opportunities have extended knowledge, skills and practice.
- Critically reflect upon the feedback gained from service users and others.
- Demonstrate the ability to write concisely with reference to the assessment word guidance.
Summative Assessment
The summative assessment for this module will be in three parts:
Part 1
At the end of Placement One the student will demonstrate achievement of Practice Learning Portfolio One (HCPC and BASW).
This must meet Learning Outcome nos 1 & 2;
Part 2
At the end of Placement Two the student will demonstrate achievement of competence in all domains in Practice Assessment Record One (NMC).
This must meet Learning Outcomes nos1 & 2;
Part 3
Critical reflection of an element of the Practice Learning Portfolio One.
2000 notional words; This must meet Learning Outcomes nos 3, 4 & 5 100% of the overall module mark
In order to pass the module, the overall aggregate mark must be 40% or above.
PUP 2243: Developing capability for integrated practice carries 30 credits at level 5. The module is assessed in both practice placements (LO’s 1 & 2) and by written assignment (LO’s 3, 4 & 5)
Learning Outcomes PUP 2243:
- Demonstrate the ability to work within the limitations of own knowledge, skills and professional frameworks.
- Establish and sustain professional relationships with service users and carers based on respect and honesty.
- Evaluate how learning opportunities have extended knowledge, skills and practice.
- Critically reflect upon the feedback gained from service users and others.
- Demonstrate the ability to write concisely with reference to the assessment word guidance
Assessment guidelines CW1: A 2000 word critical reflection of an element of the Practice Learning Portfolio One. (LO’s 3,4,5)
Specific guidelines:
The specific element chosen would normally be from an aspect of practice within your Social Work placement, as evidenced in Practice Leaning Portfolio One.
The critical reflection will be broader than the specific context of the learning opportunity you have chosen. You must reflect upon how the identified learning opportunity has extended your skills and knowledge, with a clear application to your role and future practice as an integrated practitioner.
The chosen element must include some reflection upon feedback from service users and others.
The critical reflection must be framed within a Reflective Model of your choice.
You must write succinctly, in line with the specified wordage
Assignment guidance: word count
Within your assessment brief there is guidance on the normal amount of words in which you are able to effectively address the module learning outcomes. The recommended word count is designed to balance the academic work across your programme, enabling you to effectively meet deadlines and demonstrate achievement in the appropriate academic level i.e. level 5. This word count is set to enable you to demonstrate mastery / graduate abilities in constructing / evaluating / critically analysing and/or analysis of topics and produce evidence supported arguments, and applying relevant theories, concepts and/or ideas within a topic area. Failure to reach the recommended word count may result in a reduced mark, as you may have failed to include all relevant points, provided insufficient depth of knowledge or understanding consistent with the level of study and/or insufficiently addressed the module learning outcomes. If you exceed the recommended word count, your mark may be reduced as you are not demonstrating appropriate cognitive skills i.e. synthesis, critical appraisal or analysis consistent with the learning outcomes, work maybe descriptive in a nature, or you have included irrelevant content which does not contribute to the topic.
- Appropriate referencing should take place throughout your assignment, utilising the Harvard Referencing System. Useful information and advice can be obtained via the University’s website at:
General Guidance for Academic Skills, including referencing:
- The work you include in your reference list and any appendices you attach are not included within the word count. Direct quotations from other sources are included within the word limit. Appendices are not marked and for information only.
- Assignments are expected to adhere to guidance regarding the recommended wordage and failure to do so may influence the final grade awarded.
- You are responsible for stating the word count when submitting your assignment.
- The marking criteria being used in this assessment strategy are attached in Appendix B of this handbook.
An Originality Report provides information about your assignment including:
- Submission information; 2. Similarity index (percentage matches for text that matches other sources); 3. The original submission with matching text highlighted.
Each time you submit a draft copy of your assignment through Turnitin Feedback Studio, an Originality Report will be generated.
The aim of the originality report is to help improve academic writing skills.
There is no set similarity score, it is a score to aid you in checking that your work is correctly cited and referenced.
Where the assignment requires reflection or analysis of specific practice/patient/client/service user scenarios, confidentiality must be maintained by the use of pseudonyms. Whilst retaining the essence of the scenario, where necessary some information may be altered to enhance anonymity, e.g., changing the number of siblings/children/place or type of work/accommodation or housing.
Assessment Marking Criteria: Level 5
Award Percentage Description Distinction/ 1st class 90 – 100% An exceptional answer, which is excellent in every respect, showing deep knowledge and understanding of the subject and related theories and concepts. Excellent analysis and synthesis and ability to evaluate in the context of the question. Demonstrates insightful questioning approach to reach structured conclusion. Evidence possibly of some independent critical thinking. Strong arguments developed. Very extensive range of relevant sources used and applied in an insightful way, accurately using the Harvard system. Excellent presentation and appropriate style of written communication.
80 – 89% An outstanding answer, which is excellent in almost all respects and clearly focussed on the question. Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject, and related theories and concepts. Clear evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Demonstrates insight and critical thinking. Clear and thoughtful arguments developed. Evidence of extensive relevant reading and study beyond the course content, used effectively and accurately, using the Harvard system. Very well written, logically structured and excellently presented.
70 – 79% An excellent answer in most respects, showing evidence of extensive knowledge and understanding of the subject and related theories and concepts in the context of the question. Very good analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Demonstrates insight, critical thinking and, possibly, originality. Well-structured arguments. Evidence of substantial relevant reading and study beyond the course content, with references correctly recorded, using the Harvard system. Very well written, logically structured and well presented.
Merit/ 2nd class 2:1 60 – 69% A very good answer showing evidence of thorough and explicit knowledge and understanding of the subject and related theories and concepts in the context of the question. Clear evidence of relevant outside reading and study, with correct referencing using the Harvard system. Good evidence of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Logical arguments developed, but lacks some of the qualities required for a distinction. Well written, logically structured and well presented for the most part.
2:2 50 – 59% A good answer showing sound knowledge and understanding of the subject and related theories and concepts in the context of the question. Based predominantly on the course content but with clear evidence of relevant outside reading and study, following the Harvard referencing system. Some analysis and evaluation, but may display weaknesses in ability to synthesise. Applies theory to practice. Balanced arguments developed covering the majority of salient points, but not in sufficient depth. Mostly accurate but may contain occasional errors. Competently